Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day 2012

Everyone wearing the Lorax mustache...

John didn't want to wear it, but he ended up with a chocolate mustache after dessert...

Other pictures from the day...


Homework and sewing projects!


(Steven's salad: lettuce, pears, mandarin oranges, and avacados.  It was...off...)

Celebrating Faith's birthday!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Big Ball Fiasco of 2012

Yesterday was the 4th of July.  Independence Day, or as I (Cheryl) like to call it now: The Big Ball Fiasco of 2012.  Why am I now referring to it as such?  I will explain in a moment.

Here's what we did yesterday:

Faith started working on a T-shirt quilt.  She cut up several that she had and she, Julia, and I went to Goodwill and found a few other ones with logos/pictures that meant something to her (along with a few other pieces of clothing that will NOT be cut up for a blanket...).  It's going to be an awesome blanket and I'm kind of jealous!

Steven, Julia, and J.R. started a game of Lord of the Rings Risk.  I'm not sure who won the game or even if the game was finished, but it looked like they were having fun.

Barbara, John, and Esther played for a little bit with Grandma's kitties.

The Grill Master at work.  In my opinion, you can't have a proper 4th of July without hot dogs.

 The spread: hot dogs, pizza, "chicken on the bone" (not pictured), deviled eggs, potato chips, tortilla chips, veggies, and lemonade.  Yummy!

Firework time!!  Barbara didn't really like all the noise and was understandably skittish around the sparks and explosions after her burn injury a few weeks ago.  (Side note: you can see the bandage in this picture on her right hand.  Her hand is healing but is still really tender and hurts a lot when the bandage has to be changed.  The doctor says it's healing and she is working on being able to bend her fingers more and more each day).

Sparklers are always fun.  John LOVED all the fireworks.  I think we created a pyromaniac last night!  He helped J.R. and Steven set up each firework and then would run back to the car exclaiming, "This is gonna be awesome!" after each one.  He's such a funny kid!!

No.  Here is the part where I explain why I've started calling it "The Big Ball Fiasco."  J.R. bought the below pack of fireworks, not knowing what exactly they did.  So...he lit one.  And we were ALL surprised.  Why?

 Because it went a little something like this:

Looks awesome.  And it was.  Except: J.R. didn't put it far enough out in the street and it basically blew up RIGHT next to where we were all standing.  We all screamed.  Julia literally jumped off the truck hood and onto me, and Barbara freaked out.  After we all calmed down we did a few more tame ones and then did the other two Big Balls.  Overall it was a great day!  Happy Birthday America!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Utah Trip - 6/2012

First day: drove to Vegas.  Saw the temple and stayed at "South Point" hotel/casino...

Second Day: Drove up to Midway, UT through St. George...

Third Day: at the Jackson/Flint family reunion at the Homestead Resort in Midway...

Fourth Day: lunch at the park in Midway...

Fifth Day: lunch at the park in Park City and helping Mom with her "Sister's Party" scrapbooks...

Sixth Day: LDS Business College, Crown Burger, then driving home...